
Team Rainbow Statement

Founded in 2017, Team Rainbow is a non-profit organization that promotes sports, fitness, and holistic health among Queensland’s diverse LGBTQIA+ community.

We help connect and promote member organisations that support inclusion and diversity.

Team Rainbow member organisations are non-discriminatory and welcome the participation of all people.

Team Rainbow is a not-for-profit organisation staffed by volunteers.

Team Rainbow represents its member organisations at international, inclusive, sporting events, such as the Gay Games.

The objectives of the association are:
  1. To encourage and promote community participation in both competitive and non-competitive aspects of sports and related social activities at club, state, national and international level.
  2. As it determines on a case-by-case basis, Team Rainbow may choose to associate itself by membership or affiliation with national and international event organisers and actively assist its members to participate in such events.
  3. To function as the coordinating and controlling authority in the conduct of carnivals/events and related social activities. When acting in this capacity, Team Rainbow may require that any competition be conducted under the rules of the relevant controlling body for the activity.